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Petaluma Police Department
Sunday October 31st, 2021 :: 06:45 a.m. PDT


Multiple Drivers Arrested for Vehicle Related Offenses Overnight


Petaluma Police Department Department
                                                                                                                                                           PRESS RELEASE
For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                   
Saturday October 30th, 2021
Issued By: Sergeant Ryan Suhrke, Petaluma PD, (707) 778-4372,  
Incident:                      Multiple Drivers Arrested for Vehicle Related Offenses Overnight
Report Number:          21-0004369/21-0004370/21-0004374
Occurred Date :           October 30th, 2021
Occurred Time:           9:30 PM/10:19 PM/01:02 AM
Location:                     Petaluma
Suspects:                     Julianne Fuentes (45-year-old American Canyon resident)
                                    Jose Martinez (20-year-old Oakland resident)
                                    Julia Martelli (23-year-old Santa Rosa resident)
Incident Summary
On the evening of 10/30/2021 going into 10/31/2021, the Petaluma Police Department responded to several calls for service regarding reckless driving and DUI related incidents. Along with responding to calls for service, extra Petaluma PD officers were on duty and proactively searching for impaired and reckless drivers.
At approximately 9:30 PM, Petaluma officers responded to a report of a wrong way driver in the 100 block of Kentucky Street who had side swiped an on-coming vehicle. The driver exchanged information with the other driver, but then left prior to Petaluma officers arriving. The victim reported she believed the other driver was possibly intoxicated. The suspected impaired driver was located nearby, and officers noticed she was displaying objective signs of alcohol intoxication. After their investigation was complete, Juliann Fuentes was placed under arrest for DUI. She was suspected to be driving nearly three times the legal blood alcohol limit. She was later booked at the Sonoma County Jail for DUI.
At approximately 10:19 PM a Petaluma officer was on patrol when he observed a black Chevy Camaro driving in excess of 80 miles per hour on Lakeville Street, near Highway 101. The vehicle was observed passing vehicles rapidly and at times, driving into oncoming traffic. He continued the reckless driving onto Baywood Drive, where he eventually yielded to the officer. He was identified as Jose Martinez, a resident of Oakland. During the investigation, it was determined Martinez was driving with too many occupants in the vehicle and had a suspended drivers license for a prior DUI arrest. He was arrested for reckless driving and driving with a suspended drivers license for a prior DUI. The vehicle was impounded.
At approximately 01:02 AM a Petaluma officer observed a vehicle rapidly leave the downtown area and drive at unsafe speeds. A vehicle stop was initiated for vehicle code violations and the driver, Julia Martelli, a Santa Rosa resident, displayed objective signs of alcohol intoxication. A DUI investigation was initiated, and she was determined to be operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Martelli was ultimately arrested for DUI, and her vehicle was towed from the scene.
At approximately 01:23 AM, Petaluma officers responded to a vehicle collision near the intersection of Lakeville Street and East D Street. The witnesses reported a vehicle had been rapidly driving near the intersection and had collided with the center cement island of Lakeville Steet. The vehicle then careened over a chain link fence and continue to travel on the train tracks for over 100 feet, before finally stopping. The driver was determined to not be intoxicated, but the cause of the collision is still under investigation and speed is suspected to have been a factor. The driver was not arrested at the time due to the investigation being on-going.
The Petaluma Police Department encourages everyone to drive safely and sober. If you witness a vehicle that you suspect is being operated by an intoxicated driver, please call 9-1-1.

Petaluma Police Department
969 Petaluma Blvd N
Petaluma, CA 94952

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-778-4372

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