On Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 12:02 p.m., Investigators with the Turlock Police Department Special Investigations Unit (SIU) located and arrested 38-year-old Daniel James Baudino, in the 1000 block of Idaho Drive, in Merced, on additional sex crime charges. Baudino was initially arrested for other crimes by Turlock Police Detectives on November 1, 2021, which led to the discovery of evidence of two additional confidential victims.
Both victims were prior students of Baudino’s, however, they were adults and no longer students at the time these crimes occurred, which was in 2015 and 2019.
Baudino was brought to the Turlock Police Department and interviewed. He was then transported and booked at the Stanislaus County Jail on three counts of sexual penetration with force and seven counts of oral copulation using force.
Although three victims have been located, Detectives believe there are still possibly other victims who have yet to come forward.
As this is an on-going investigation, no additional information concerning this case will be released at this time.
The Turlock Police Department asks that anyone with information regarding this on-going investigation to call Detective Timothy Redd at (209) 664-7325. You can also contact the Turlock Police Department’s Tip Line at (209) 668-5550 extension 6780 or email at tpdtipline@turlock.ca.us.
The Turlock Police Department is an active participant in the Crime Stoppers Program. Callers can leave an anonymous tip by calling Crime Stoppers at (209) 521-4636 and may be eligible for a cash reward.
To receive more detailed, up-to-date information directly from the Turlock Police Department via e-mail or text message, register for "Nixle" alerts at www.Nixle.com or more directly at https://local.nixle.com/register/.
For additional information, follow our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter.
This information is being released by Turlock Police Department Sergeant Michael Parmley.
Any media requests should contact:
Sergeant Michael Parmley
Office of Professional Standards
Turlock Police Department
Office phone - (209) 664-7345
Email – mparmley@turlock.ca.us
Turlock Police Department, CA
244 North Broadway
Turlock, CA 95380
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-668-5550