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Port Vue Police Department
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 :: 10:20 a.m. EST


Door to Door Solicitors

Port Vue residents are reminded that if a salesman or door to door solicitor comes to your home, they are required to provide a valid photo ID and a valid Borough solictiing permit.  We urge residents if they feel uncomfortable in any way with your encounter to immediately call 911.  Do not let anyone inside your home or provide any personal information.  If any of these people refuse to comply with your requests for ID or permit, ask them to leave your property and call 911.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!
David J. Petruski, Chief of Police

Port Vue Police Department
1194 Romine Ave
McKeesport, PA 15133

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 412-672-2255

David J. Petruski
Port Vue Police

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