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Pettis County Sheriff's Office
Monday January 3rd, 2022 :: 04:27 p.m. CST


Pettis County COVID-19 Task Force briefing for Monday, January 3, 2022

January 03, 2022

To communicate openly with county residents, this compilation of information from essential government service providers within Pettis County will be disseminated on Mondays.  This briefing will continue to be provided throughout the COVID-19 event.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of either the Pettis County Sheriff's Office or the County of Pettis.
Pettis County Health Center
The current surge in cases is placing an incredible strain on health care workers, hospitals and clinics.  This is not just for people with COVID but anyone needing care – heart attacks, stroke, accidents.   Everyone needs to consider carefully their activities, what they can do to reduce the strain on the health care system and protect yourself and your family.   Get vaccinated and get your booster now.
As of January 3 there are 8655 positive cases reported as compared to 8400 positive cases on  December 27 and 8260 positive cases on December 20.  This is an increase of 255 cases in the past week and 395 cases in the past 2 weeks.  There is a significant backlog in reporting cases from the holiday weekend, so these numbers probably do not reflect all of the cases.  The DHSS website is reporting Pettis County has a positivity rate of 14.9 for the past 7 days which is an increase from 12.1% for the previous week with PCR testing.  The locally calculated positivity rate for the week of December 22-28 was 16.06%.   The case count per 100,000 for this time period is 442/100,000.  This week there were 817 PCR tests and 525 antigen tests for a total of 1342. Last week there were 1239 tests. 
The case counts by age will be posted on the Pettis County Health Center Facebook page and website.
Vaccine breakthrough rates for the week of December 26-January 2 there were 55 out of 252 cases for a rate of 21.8% vaccinated and 79.2% not vaccinated. March was the most common month of last vaccination.  There were a total of 7 cases who had received boosters and 6 were partially vaccinated
This week there were 133 Pettis County residents with reported cases of influenza. The highest age group is 5-14 year olds and the main strain is Type A. The total case count is 288.  During the entire 20-21 influenza season there were less than 10 reported cases. 
As of Friday, there were 2154 hospitalized in Missouri with COVID as compared to 1755 hospitalized with COVID last week.  There are 466 people in ICU and 264 on ventilators as compared to 468 people in ICU and 242 on ventilators last week.

THE PANDEMIC IS NOT OVER. The most recent sewer shed data did not report the presence of Omicron in a Sedalia sewer shed, but the virus was reported in Columbia.  Information is posted on the DHSS website .
The Health Center strongly recommends everyone wear a mask when indoors even if fully vaccinated.

The CDC has changed the guidance on staying home.  Everyone who tests positive needs to stay home for 5 days from the test date then wear a mask for 5 more days if they have no symptoms or significantly improved symptoms.  Everyone who is still ill or has a fever must stay home until symptoms get better.   For individuals who are exposed to a positive case (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period of time) – fully vaccinated individuals (this includes having a booster more than 2 weeks ago or within the first 6 months after completing the 2 dose series or 2 months for the 1 dose series) must wear a mask around others for 10 days and should test at day 5 after the last exposure.   For the unvaccinated or eligible people who have not had a booster, stay home for 5 days and wear a mask when around other people for another 5 days.  If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home.
There are 23 individuals hospitalized at Bothwell as compared to 20 last week.  There is 1 patient on a ventilator.   Twenty of the 23 patients were not vaccinated.   All inpatients will be tested upon admission.  Patients are waiting in the ED until a bed becomes available.  In addition, there are 7 influenza patients in the hospital. The DHSS website reports 112 deaths in Pettis County with a confirmed PCR test and 19 deaths with a positive antigen test.  This is an increase of 3 since last week. Finding a bed in a referral hospital is very difficult due to a surge in cases and staffing shortages.   This is not just for people with COVID, but anyone needing specialized care.
Approximately 45.6 % of the population of Pettis County residents have started vaccination.   According to the state website, 19,294 Pettis County residents have started vaccination and 17,221 are considered fully vaccinated which is approximately 40.7% of the population.  Pettis County is falling behind the state rate of 61% have started vaccination and 53.9% fully vaccinated.  The state is reporting 72.1% of the population over 18 has started and 64.2% are fully vaccinated.   For Pettis County 57% of the population 18+ have started vaccination (18,191) and 51.2% (16,345) are fully vaccinated.
According to the DHSS website, 14.6% (1100) of 5-17 year olds have started vaccination and 11.6% (875) are fully vaccinated.  For the 65+ age group, 78.7% (5699) have started vaccination and 71.5 % (5192) are considered fully vaccinated. The updated vaccination page is
Vaccine is available for everyone 5 years of age and older.  Booster doses given 6 months after the last dose for Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or 2 months after the J & J vaccine are available for those 16 years and older through Pettis County Health Center, Katy Trail Community Health and Bothwell Regional Health Center.   All vaccines are free.   Pettis County Health Center provides vaccine for homebound individuals.  Call 660-827-1130 to make arrangements.
Pettis County Health Center has regular walk in clinics on Tuesdays from 9-5:30 pm, Thursdays from 8:30 to 12 noon on Thursdays and on Fridays from 12-3.
If you know someone who is struggling with mental health issues, please share the information on help that is available.    Burrell has a crisis line at 1-800-395-2132.  Compass Health also has a crisis line at 1-800-237-4567 for substance abuse issue.  
Bothwell Regional Health Center
Expect Longer Wait Times
Due to an increase in Covid-19 testing and a surge of respiratory illnesses from Covid-19 and influenza, expect longer wait times in the Bothwell Walk In Clinic and Emergency Department. Since Christmas Eve, we have experienced significant challenges with not having enough staffed beds in our hospital to admit patients, as well as no other hospital to transfer patients, causing a bottleneck in our Emergency Department.
Flu is Here
The number of reported influenza cases is rapidly rising. The same actions that keep people from spreading Covid-19 also apply to the flu – regular handwashing, mask wearing and staying home if you feel ill. Flu vaccines are available at all Bothwell clinics.
Vaccine Clinics
This week’s Covid-19 vaccine clinics for the two-dose primary series and booster doses are from 10:00--11:00 am Wednesday, Jan. 5 (Pfizer) and from 1-2 pm Friday, Jan. 7 (Moderna) at Bothwell Healing Arts Center on the second floor. People may walk in; however, appointments are encouraged by calling 660-829-8888 or scheduling in Bothwell’s patient portal, MyBothwellHealth at or in the MHealth app. There is no charge for the vaccine.
Visit for all clinic locations and dates. This year’s flu vaccine is available at all Covid-19 vaccine clinics. All flu vaccines are quadrivalent (four-component) meaning they are designed to protect against four different flu viruses, and flu vaccines and Covid-19 vaccines can be given at the same time.
The Pfizer vaccine is available for children aged 5 to 11. People who want the vaccine for their child in that age group can make appointments at Bothwell TLC Pediatrics from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday by calling 660.829.5852 or 660.829.8888 or at Bothwell Health Center-Truman Lake in Warsaw from 7 am to 6 pm Fridays by calling 660.438.6800.
Covid-19 Antibody Infusion Treatment
We are currently on day-to-day inventory management of monoclonal antibody infusion medication due to a shortage happening throughout the state. At this time we are only providing treatment to people who test positive for Covid-19 and who have had onset of symptoms within the past 10 days. People meeting those conditions should call 660.829.8830 to be screened for potential treatment and/or be placed on a waiting list for the treatment.
The infusion treatment is administered on the hospital’s third floor from 7 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday by members of the Missouri Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT). There is no charge for this treatment when administered by DMAT.  
Katy Trail Community Health
Katy Trail Community Health is providing vaccine to current patients at all our locations by appointment. 
Community vaccines are held at 816 Westwood Drive for all family members on
Wednesdays – Family Vaccine Clinic (816 Westwood) 1:00pm to 6:30pm
Friday – Family Vaccine Clinic (816 Westwood) 10:00am to 6:30pm
Saturday appointments are available
Please register for Family Vaccine Clinics at
Katy Trail Community Health is also providing rapid testing by appointment.
Pettis County Ambulance District (PCAD)
Please note the following temporary visitor policy change at all PCAD EMS operational stations (Headquarters / Station 1, TT Highway / Station 2, and Windsor / Station 5):

  • Visitors are restricted to individuals conducting PCAD business only, including bill payments. Masks are required for any such visitor when indoors; surgical masks will be made available to visitors at every public entrance to PCAD buildings

The following COVID-19 phone numbers and websites are provided for your information:
MO Department of Health and Senior Services Hotline:                  877-435-8411
City of Sedalia/Pettis County Helpline:                                                    660-851-7686
Pettis County Health Center:


Look for the COVID-19 Task Force Briefing each Monday, beginning June 1, 2020. The next scheduled briefing is Monday, January 10, 2022

Pettis County Sheriff's Office
319 South Lamine Avenue
Sedalia, MO 65301

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 660-827-0052

Carolyn Green
[email protected]

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