AV Cat Crusaders, joint task force combating catalytic converter thefts, active NOW! 
Thefts of catalytic converters has been happening for decades. Recently, it has been surging, as thieves take advantage of a spike in the prices of rare metals contained within the automotive devices. It has quickly become a nationwide problem with victims everywhere.
Lancaster Sheriff's Station and Palmdale Sheriff's Station have come together to form the Antelope Valley Cat Crusaders, a joint task force dedicated exclusively to to combating catalytic converter thefts. The detectives on the task force are working hard to get these thieves in custody and have them stay there.
In the upcoming weeks, we will share updates and tips that may help prevent you becoming the victim of a theft, however, our first notification is a plea to you:
If you should see someone or identify a vehicle that may potentially be involved in cat converter theft, please DO NOT post a picture of that person or vehicle on social media or social media group pages. Often times, our detectives have a lead on this person/car, and when they see their vehicle on group pages, they stop using that vehicle, in essence "burning" that lead.
Believe it or not, thieves are very active on group pages, keeping tabs of where they have been spotted and if anyone is on to them. Once they see the car they're using on social media, they dump it and start using a different car, taking our detectives back to square one. Instead, if/when you have tips, leads, pictures or information on a would be thief, please contact Detective Gelardo with that information. He can be reached at (661) 940-3871 or via email at magelard@lasd.org.
We are working hard to make sure our residents and your vehicles are safe! We won't tolerate these ongoing thefts in our community. Together, we can make a great difference.
"If You See Something, Say Something"
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lancaster Station at (661) 948-8466. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” Mobile APP, “P3 Mobile” for the hearing impaired on Google play or the Apple App Store or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
Lancaster Sheriff’s Station polices the City of Lancaster, Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, and the unincorporated communities of Antelope Acres, Lake Los Angeles, and Quartz Hill in the Antelope Valley.
Ali Villalobos
Lancaster Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
501 W Lancaster Boulevard
Lancaster, CA 93534
Station (661) 948-8466
Desk (661) 524-2154
Website: http://www.Lancaster.lasd.org
LASD Text & Email Register at http://www.Nixle.com :
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Instagram: @lanlasd
Facebook: http://facebook.com/lasdAli
LASD - Lancaster Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
501 W Lancaster Blvd
Lancaster, CA 93534
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-948-8466