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Martinsville CUSD #C-3
Sunday February 6th, 2022 :: 07:47 p.m. CST


Suspension of enforcement of Covid mitigation measures

At its emergency school board meeting held February 6th, the Martinsville school board voted to suspend enforcement of state-mandated Covid mitigations strategies in response to the TRO issued by a judge in Sangamon County. While federal regulations still require that masks be worn on school buses, we will no longer be enforcing mask wearing in school buildings.  We will also suspend contact tracing and exclusion of close contacts.  Additionally, we will suspend the weekly testing for unvaccinated staff members.  We still ask that if you or your child are sick or experiencing symptoms, please stay home.


Martinsville CUSD #C-3
255 W Cumberland St
Martinsville, IL 62442

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 217-382-4321

Jill Rogers

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