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Ventura County Sheriff's Office
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 :: 03:05 p.m. PST


News Story - Coffee with a Cop Event

Nature of Incident: Camarillo Police – Coffee with a Cop Event
Location: Starbucks, 4511 Las Posas Road, Camarillo
Date & Time: March 15th, 2022 from 9:00am – 11:00am
Unit(s) Responsible: Camarillo Police Department, Community Resource Unit


The Camarillo Police Department is proud to announce “Coffee with a Cop” day. Coffee with a Cop brings deputies and community members together, over coffee, to discuss issues and learn more about resources, services, and needs of the community.
Tuesday, March 15th, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, Camarillo deputies will be at Starbucks, 4511 Las Posas Road (Las Posas Road and Lewis Road), Camarillo, sharing a cup of coffee with neighbors. Community trust is one of the key elements to the success of the Camarillo Police Department. By sitting down and having a simple conversation, deputies, and the community members they serve, can continue building and growing together.
The Camarillo Police Department invites the community to come out and ask questions, voice concerns, get crime prevention advice, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood. This is a relaxed, informal event and is not about speeches or agendas but simply about casual conversation. The goal of Coffee with a Cop is to get to know the community better and hear about issues the residents feel are important.
Building relationships – one cup at a time.
Prepared by: Sr. Dep. Victor Holmes Jr.
News Release Date: 03/08/2022
Media Follow-Up Contact:  Sr. Dep. Victor Holmes Jr.
(805) 388-5131
Approved by:
Capt. Shane Matthews

Ventura County Sheriff's Office
800 S Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93003

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-654-9511

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