Upcoming Blood Drive - Sheriff's Headquarters 
The Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office is teaming up with Vitalant to host a blood drive at Sheriff's Headquarters on Tuesday, May 17 from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Appointments are requested to help maintain social distancing. Schedule yours today at www.donors.vitalant.org using the Blood Drive Code 1493. You may also register by phone at 805-542-8500.
Vitalant currently tests successful donations for COVID-19 antibodies to help find donors who could help COVID-19 patients by donating convalescent plasma. Learn more at www.vitalant.org/antibodytest.
There is currently a shortage of and a severe need for O type blood and there is an urgent need for all other blood types.
Donors should bring a photo I.D, eat well and drink plenty of water prior to donating blood. Donors must be 16 years old and there is no upper age limit. 16 year olds must bring a signed Vitalant parental consent form found online at vitalant.org. Eligibility Questions? Please call 877-258-4825.
To ensure everyone’s safety in these trying times, Vitalant requires all donors to wear a face covering while in our facility. One-way valve masks are prohibited. Please bring your own cloth-based face covering in order to donate blood. We understand that some individuals may not be able to wear a face covering and ask that you postpone your donation until we no longer have this safety requirement.
Santa Barbara County Sheriff
4434 Calle Real
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-681-4192
4436 Calle Real
Santa Barbara, CA 93110