- Thursday May 5th, 2022 :: 02:31 p.m. PDT
Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff’s Station
Catalytic Converter Etch and Catch Event.
Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff’s Station
Catalytic Converter Etch and Catch Event. 
Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff’s Station
Catalytic Converter Etch and Catch Event.
Free of charge.
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 between 09:00am-10:30am. Calvary Chapel Golden Springs. 22324 Golden Springs Dr. Diamond Bar, Ca 91765.
To schedule your appointment please go to https://bit.ly/37iU5Tm
LASD - Walnut/Diamond Bar Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
21695 Valley Blvd
Walnut, CA 91789
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-595-2264