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Cass County MI Sheriff's Office
Thursday June 23rd, 2022 :: 06:13 a.m. EDT


Two Hurt in Two Vehicle Traffic Crash

Sheriff Richard J. Behnke of the Cass County Sheriff's Office reports that his deputies responded to a personal injury accident on 06/22/2022 at approximately 0705 hours. The accident occurred on Paradise Lake Rd near Jeffries St in Calvin Township, Cass County Michigan. The driver of a Ford Escape (Timothy Curtis, 45 year old, Cassopolis, MI resident) stated that he had a crack in his windshield and when he went around the curve on Paradise Lake Rd, he was unable to see because of the distortion of his vision from the sun shining through. Because of this, he was unable to see an on-coming vehicle or where he was on the road and crossed the center line striking a Jeep Wrangler (Stephanie Knepple, 38 year old, Vandalia, MI resident) head on.Ms. Knepple was transported to the Elkhart Hospital in Indiana for her injuries via private vehicle.  Mr. Curtis did not obtain any injuries from this crash. A passenger of the Ford Escape (Nicole Smith, 39 year old, Cassopolis, MI resident) was transported to the Elkhart General Hospital for her injuries by Pride Care Ambulance.There was no alcohol involved in this incident, and seat belts were worn in this crash. Assisting agencies on scene were the Penn Fire Department, and the Pride Care Ambulance Service. 


Cass County MI Sheriff's Office
321 Michigan 62
Cassopolis, MI 49031

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 269-445-1560

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