Have a safe Forth of July, and a word on consumer grade fireworks....
For addtional details on Pennsylvania's fireworks law, please visit:
Have a safe Forth of July, and a word on consumer grade fireworks.... 
The Hatboro Police Department wishes everyone a happy and safe Independence Day weekend. With the Forth of July coming the use of consumer grade fireworks increases. While the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania amended the state's fireworks law in 2017, their sale and use in Pennsylvania remains highly regulated. In general, the use of consumer grade fireworks are restriced as follows:
- They cannot be ignited or discharged on a public or private property without express permission of the property owner.
- They cannot be discharged from or within a motor vehicle or building.
- They cannot be discharged toward a motor vehicle or building.
- They cannot be discharged within 150 feet of an occupied structure, whether or not a person is actually present.
- They cannot be discharged while the person is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or another drug.
For addtional details on Pennsylvania's fireworks law, please visit:
Hatboro Police Department
120 E Montgomery Ave
Hatboro, PA 19040
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 215-675-2832