Oak Fire Evacuations 
OAK FIRE EVACUATION ORDER- Triangle Rd (both sides of the road) from Hwy 140 to Carter Rd, All of Carter Rd.
Evacuation Center has been established at the New Life Christian Church located at 5089 Cole Rd.
Map of the area- https://arcg.is/jKqD5
Road Closures-
Carstens Rd
Triangle Rd from Hwy 140 to Carter Rd
Buckingham Mt. Rd
Plumbar Creek Rd.
Evacuation Center has been established at the New Life Christian Church located at 5089 Cole Rd.
Map of the area- https://arcg.is/jKqD5
Road Closures-
Carstens Rd
Triangle Rd from Hwy 140 to Carter Rd
Buckingham Mt. Rd
Plumbar Creek Rd.
Mariposa County Sheriff's Office
5099 Old Hwy N
Mariposa, CA 95338
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-966-3615
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP MARIPOSASO followed by your message, to 888777