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Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
Friday August 19th, 2022 :: 02:10 p.m. CDT




OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma (August 19, 2022) – The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) is releasing additional information in the Caitlyn Case investigation in hopes of narrowing the search area.

During the course of the investigation, Special Agents have determined that 33-year-old Case’s last known location was in the Bogata, Texas area on August 5, 2022 at approximately 5:00 p.m. She was traveling northbound along Highway 271 towards Paris, Texas. Shortly after 7:00 p.m. on August 5, Case’s cellphones registered on cell towers at Pattonville, Texas and a tower located south of Paris.

At approximately 9:00 p.m. on August 5, 2022, Case’s vehicle traveled around the south loop of Highway 286 in Paris to FM 79 where it proceeded in a northwesterly direction from Paris.  Shortly afterwards, the vehicle is believed to have traveled north in an unknown path headed to Oklahoma. After entering Oklahoma on Highway 271, the vehicle then turned east on Highway 109 south of Grant, Oklahoma.

At this point in the investigation there is concern that someone other than Case was in control of the vehicle. It is believed that an attempt was made to deposit the vehicle in the Kiamichi River to hide its location during the late-night hours of August 5, 2022. It is not believed at this time that Case physically entered Oklahoma.

Case left Houma, Louisiana en route to Colorado on August 4, 2022. Her last contact with family members was on August 5. Her vehicle was located on the banks of the Kiamichi River south of Fort Towson the night of August 12.

Case was driving a black 2006 GMC Envoy with Louisiana plates 957FDO. Case is described as being 5’5”, 140 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black spaghetti strap style top, light blue jeans and red tennis shoes (see attached surviellance picture from August 5, 2022).

Agents request that anyone living or working along the previously listed routes with access to recorded video footage on August 5, 2022 between 5:00 p.m. and 10 p.m. contact the OSBI tipline at (800) 522-8017 or

The OSBI has been assisted by numerous law enforcement agencies including the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP), Choctaw County Sheriff’s Office, Hugo Police Department, Paris Police Department, Lamar County Sheriff’s Office, Lamar County District Attorney’s Office, Houma, Louisiana Police Department, Grayson County Sheriff’s Office, Gainesville Police Department, Lewisville Police Department, Longview Police Department, Gladewater Police Department, Mt. Pleasant Police Department.

The OSBI is currently the lead investigative agency and all tips should be forwarded threw the OSBI tip line. 


Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
6600 Harvey Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73116

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 405-879-2591

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