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Highland Park Borough
Friday October 21st, 2022 :: 12:49 p.m. EDT


Take Five Briefing - 10/19

Here is the latest Take Five briefing from the October 19, 2022 meeting of the Mayor and Borough Council.

Knights of Columbus Award Recipients:  Councilwoman Foster congratulated all of Highland Park’s first responders that will be receiving awards from the Knights of Columbus this year. Among those being recognized are Highland Park Police Officer Garley and Detective McGraw, Captain Bill Heins from the Highland Park First Aid Squad and Volunteer Firefighter (and Department of Public Works Mechanic) Delaney McAvoy. The ceremony will be held on Monday, October 24 at 4 PM in front of the Police Department.
Property Revaluation Update: Councilwoman Kim-Chohan reported that our revaluation contractor, Professional Property Appraisers, is in town doing field inspections; however, they are a bit delayed due to staffing availability. Residents are encouraged to continue to cooperate and make their properties available so that we can complete the inspections in time for the 2023 tax year. Click here for more information on the revaluation program.

Return to In-Person Meetings, Nov. 1: Mayor Brill Mittler reminded residents that Borough Council meetings will return to Council Chambers in Borough Hall starting on Nov. 1st. Meetings will be livestreamed on our HPTV15 YouTube Channel as well as on the Optimum (channel 15) and FiOS (channel 44) cable TV channels.

Passage of Ordinance to Establish Pedestrian Mall on So. 3rd Avenue: After hearing thoughtful comments from residents both for and opposed, Council unanimously voted in favor to adopt the ordinance to establish a Pedestrian Mall, or public plaza, on So. 3rd Avenue at Raritan Avenue. The passage of the ordinance is one of the steps required by the NJ Department of Transportation (NJDOT) along with an approved Street Intersection Permit. We prepared a Frequently Asked Questions document to address some of the common questions we’ve received about the creation of the public space and the related permanent closure of So. 3rd Avenue. Feel free to contact Borough Administrator/Redevelopment Director Jover with any questions at [email protected].

Amendment to Vehicle Parking Regulations: Council introduced an ordinance removing the “no parking” prohibition on the east side of River Road between Raritan and Walter Avenue, except for when there is snow. In addition, the ordinance was amended to prohibit parking in one identified spot behind the library on No. 6th Avenue to allow for convenience access for a new curbside book drop. A public hearing on the ordinance will take place at the Tuesday, November 1st Council meeting at 7 PM.

If you’re interested in watching the October 19th Council meeting, go to HPTV’S Youtube channel where the meeting will be posted in its entirety. The next meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st.    

Highland Park Borough
Highland Park Municipal Building
Highland Park, NJ 08904

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-572-3400

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