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City of Lake Forest, CA
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 :: 12:19 p.m. PST


Free Bulky Item, E-Waste Drop Off Saturday in Lake Forest

Make way for new holiday goods by removing the old.  Dispose of bulky household items and e-waste at Dump Day on Saturday, December 10. The free event is from 9 am - 12 pm at 1 Saddleback Pkwy, Lake Forest.

Arrive early, as there is limited space for collection items. No household hazardous waste will be accepted.

Hosted by Caltrans, The City, Saddleback Church, and Sen. Dave Min.

Contact Lake Forest Communications and Marketing Specialist Noel Gomez for more information,

City of Lake Forest, CA
100 Civic Center Dr
Lake Forest, CA 92630

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 949-461-3536

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