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Shorewood Police Department Illinois
Wednesday January 25th, 2023 :: 12:54 p.m. CST


Crime Alert - Information only, please see NIXLE, Nextdoor or the Shorewood Police Department's Facebook page for details.

The Shorewood Police Department would like to provide our residents with information on recent Ruse Burglaries in neighboring municipalities. Offenders of these crimes often target the elderly, claiming to be utility workers, village employees, cable or internet technicians, or completing other types of contractual work. The offenders usually work in conjunction with one of several other people.  After making contact with the homeowner, their goal is to draw the person away from the entrances to the home to allow other offenders to enter and commit a criminal act.  This could be by requesting to exit the home, use the telephone, look for a utility bill, etc. Once removed from the entrances to the home other persons enter the home while the homeowner is distracted, removing valuables such as jewelry or cash.

All Village of Shorewood employees wears clothing clearly identifying themselves as working for the Village and will have an identification card on their person. Most utility companies have their employees clearly identified by either their clothing or the vehicle they arrived in. 

We are asking our residents to please contact the police department before allowing access to your residence if you are questioning the validity of the individual’s employment and justification for needing access to your residence.

At the current time, Shorewood residents have not reported any suspicious incidents and this is an effort to inform and empower our residents not to become a victim.

Residents can contact the police department at (815) 725-4636 or 911 if the situation involves an emergency type response.    

Shorewood Police Department Illinois
903 W Jefferson St
Shorewood, IL 60404

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 815-725-1460

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