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City of Duarte
Wednesday March 1st, 2023 :: 03:15 p.m. PST


Wildlife Alert: Mountain Lion Sightings in Fish Canyon Area

Please be advised that there have been several mountain lion sightings in the Fish Canyon Area of Duarte. Mountain lions are primarily nocturnal but may hunt by day. The Department of Public Safety suggests the following guidelines to assist in coexisting with wildlife: 

  • Do not leave small children and or small pets (even if pets are caged) unattended outdoors. 
  • Should you maintain your pet outdoors and have room to do so, consider the placement of an enclosed dog or cat run adequate in size to allow your pet to exercise. The run should contain a 6-sided shelter, potable water, and shade to protect your pet from direct sunlight. 
  • Do not encourage, entice, approach, or feed mammalian wildlife such as mountain lions, coyotes, or bears. It is a violation of the law. 
  • Please remove your pet's food dish or bowl when your pet has finished eating, and do not leave any unattended food outdoors. 
  • You can pick up all fallen fruit & berries from your yard. If possible, do not leave ripened fruit on branches. If you need help removing ripened fruit, please contact Duarte's Local Harvest at (626) 359-5671, ext. 316, to schedule a harvest time and date. 
  • Enclose or remove woodpiles. 
  • Do not compost human food items. 
  • Enclose vegetable gardens with sturdy welded wire mesh or a greenhouse—clear dense vegetation to reduce wildlife hiding places.
  • Clean all grills or barbecues after use. 
  • Secure or store trash containers in enclosed structures or securely strap down the lids. Only place refuse containers out on the day of service. Spray ammonia occasionally in the trash to cut down on food odors.  
  • Report abandoned or severely neglected unkempt properties to the Public Safety Department at (626) 357-7938 and overgrown brush to the Fire Department as wildlife may often take up living at such locations. 
  • Carry a walking stick or large colorful umbrella when out on walks so that you can use it to fend off an animal. An open umbrella, for example, presents you as much larger than the animal and may frighten it away.  
Please report suspicious activity and anyone feeding wild animals to the Public Safety Department at (626) 357-7938.

City of Duarte
1600 Huntington Dr
Duarte, CA 91030

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-357-7931

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