EV Car take home Incentive for Corrections Officers SHERIFF LEVON ALLEN 
Now Hiring for All Positions, SHERIFF LEVON ALLEN Wants You!!!
The Clayton County Sheriffs Office has a New EV Car Incentive for Jail workers. If you work in the jail you will receive a new take home EV.
We are also hiring for all Sworn and Non-Sworn Positions.
Do you have what it takes to be a member of The Elite Fugitive Squad and locate some of Clayton’s most violent criminals as a Fugitive Investigator?
Do you want to earn the opportunity to be on the Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT)?
Do you have the discipline to become a member of The Sheriff’s Honor Guard?
Do you have a skill set in teaching to take training to the next level as an instructor?
Are you interested in protecting the court house or serving civil papers?
Are you 18 years or older and have what it takes to become a Correctional Officer?
Are you a civilian and want to be a Service Clerk working in warrants, records, Intake or Classifications?
Have you always wanted to be a Sheriff's Deputy?
Are you retired and would like to work part-time up to 25 hours a week?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions "SHERIFF LEVON ALLEN WANTs YOU".
It is recommended prior to coming to the Sheriff's Office to submit an email to Recruiting Sergeant Bowen @
sheena.bowen@claytoncountyga.govwith your desired position.
Submit applications on
(Ensure you choose a Sheriff position) an investigator will call you, walk-ins are welcomed. If you need a later time in the evening or a weekend appointment, specify this request in your email.
Sheriff's Judicial Protection Officer
Sheriff's Security Specialist
Sheriff's Service Clerk (Full Time)
Sheriff's Service Clerk (Part Time)
Sheriff's Correctional Officer
Deputy Sheriff II (Full Time)
Deputy Sheriff II (Part Time)
Investigator (Apply for Deputy II)
We look forward to hearing from you!!!!!
Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
9157 Tara Blvd
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-477-4479
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP CCSOGA followed by your message, to 888777