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Harris County Sheriff's Office
Friday March 17th, 2023 :: 04:34 p.m. CDT


Investigators Need Man Identified In Parking Lot Takeover

Please help us identify a suspect wanted for interfering with our investigators while responding to a parking lot takeover. Our Traffic Crimes Unit responded to a parking lot takeover at 7500 Bellaire Blvd on February 25.,2023

If you have any information, call 713-221-6000 or @CrimeStopHOU at 713-222-TIPS.

As race aficionados converge for the TX2K2023, we urge fans to practice their hobby on legal racetracks, not on our public roads. To report street racing activities or takeovers, please call 713-221-6000 or email us at 

Harris County Sheriff's Office
1200 Baker St
Houston, TX 77002

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 713-221-6000

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