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Cloquet Police Department
Thursday March 23rd, 2023 :: 03:24 p.m. CDT


CPD's new Motto, Mission, Vision, and Core Values

For the past few years, the Cloquet Police Department has been in the process of rebranding. The first changes came with our new department patches and squad car lettering/design. 
Recently, we completed our rebranding by updating our Mission Statement and creating a Motto, Vision Statement, and Core Values. 
These documents were created collectively by our staff. 
A mission statement and vision statement are essential for our police department because they help to guide our actions and decisions. 
Our mission statement is succinct and a powerful way of communicating the department’s purpose and values, and it provides a framework for our decision-making. 
The vision statement sets the tone for the department’s long-term goals, giving the department and its members a unifying purpose. 
Together, these two statements will outline the department’s positioning and how we want to be seen by the public. 
Our clear mission and vision will give the department a unified identity and help to ensure that all actions align with the department’s goals and values.

On behalf of all of us at the Cloquet Police Department, I’d like to share our new Motto, Mission, Vision, and Core Values. These have also been updated on the City’s website at 
Our Motto
Excellence in Professionalism, Respect, and Equity - Protecting our Community Together
Our Mission
We seek justice and equality through service by advocating for those in need, establishing accountability standards, and striving to create a community of equity, freedom, and peace. 
Our Vision
The members of the Police Department are proud to serve the community with honor, strength, integrity, and courage. We are dedicated to keeping the public safe and enforcing the law to ensure justice is served. Our mission is to promote a sense of safety, security, and trust while protecting the rights of all citizens and providing a safe environment both in our city and beyond. As law enforcement officers, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standard of ethics and integrity in performing our duties. We commit to a lifelong journey of expertise, excellence, and professionalism. We stand with pride and honor for a stronger and safer community. 
Our Core Values
  1. Integrity: We must serve with integrity, do what is right, and respect the rights and dignity of all individuals.
  1. Professionalism: We strive to provide our services at the highest possible level of competence and professionalism.  
  1. Respect: We will treat all individuals respectfully, regardless of the situation.
  1. Compassion: We recognize that individuals we encounter may need assistance and understanding and act compassionately to meet that need. 
  1. Collaboration: We value working with other law enforcement agencies, government departments, and the community.
  1. Accountability: We are responsible for our actions and must adhere to a high standard of accountability. 
  1. Transparency: We will provide open and honest communication with the public and work to create trust.
  1. Safety: We are committed to our community and its members’ safety. 
Derek W. Randall
Chief of Police

Cloquet Police Department
101 14th St
Cloquet, MN 55720

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 218-879-1247

Derek Randall
Chief of Police

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