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Wayne County Emergency Management Agency
Sunday April 16th, 2023 :: 07:27 p.m. EDT


Richmond Fire Update 4/16/2023: See attached for updated frequently asked questions and community information

358 NW F Street Fire
FAQ/ Fact Sheet
As of 4/16/2023 at 19:30 (7:30pm)
Community Help Line:  765-973-9300

  1. Q:  Is there still an evacuation area?
    1. A: No- the evacuation orders, along with shelter-in-place orders, were lifted by local officials at 4:00pm on Sunday, April 16, 2023.
  1. Q:  If we are returning to our home, what precautions or cleaning should I do?
    1. A:  The Wayne County Health Department has released and shared recommended cleaning guidelines in both English and Spanish.  They are also providing basic essential cleaning kits free of charge.  Those kits can be picked up at the Wayne County Health Department; 100 S 5th Street, Richmond.  The cleaning guidelines can be found in a separate document on the City of Richmond’s website- and are being handed out with the cleaning kits for residents in the affected area.
  1. Q:  Are there plans for a food drive or how could I get assistance with getting groceries?
    1. A:  On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, Gleaners Food Bank will be conducting a Mobile Food Pantry at the Wayne County Fairgrounds; 861 N Salisbury Rd, Richmond from 4pm to 6pm.  This is a drive-thru event and anyone in need may stop by to receive FREE food and grocery items.  Other organizations throughout the community also continue to assist and support the needs until that time, as they routinely do.
  1. Q:  Is the fire under control?
    1. A:  The fire is considered contained and 99% extinguished.  While there continues to be a small, smoldering area called a “hot spot,” the Richmond Fire Department has been able to contain that to the incident site.
  1. Q:  What if I smell smoke or smell a burnt plastic smell where I am located?
    1. A:  Although though the fire is 99% extinguished, lingering odors from the fire may last into the week.  The Health Department’s cleaning guidelines (see Q2, above) outlines specific instructions to remove odors from both hard and soft surfaces within the home.  However, everyone should avoid directly breathing in smoke; note that persons with heart or lung disease and older adults are more sensitive to smoke exposure.  If you can observe visible smoke within your home, please call the Richmond Community Help Line; 765-973-9300.
  1. Q:  Where and how did the fire start?
    1. A:  The cause of the fire is unknown and likely will not be known for weeks/months.  The State Fire Marshal’s Office is on scene assisting with the investigation.
  1. Q:  What should I do if I find debris in my yard or on my property?
    1. A:  Debris sample results from the fire confirmed the presence of asbestos-containing material. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, or U.S. EPA, is working with asbestos professionals to safely remove this debris. A member of the U.S. EPA will reach out to gather additional data and add your property to a debris collection list. It is essential not to remove or disturb any debris as asbestos is a substance that releases microscopic fibers when disturbed  If you have debris in or around your property in Indiana, please call the Community Help Line (765-973-9300) to request to be placed on the list or visit
If you are in Ohio, you can visit 
Please keep in mind that priority is being given to schools in both states. 
Please DO NOT pick up the debris and deliver it to the Richmond Fire Stations.
Q:  With the rain today, won’t that help to dissolve the asbestos that might be contained in the debris?
  1. A:  Asbestos is a mineral that is found in fiber. It does not melt, dissolve, or “go away.” If debris does have asbestos-containing material, it will not be affected by the rain aside from it being potentially blown to a different section of the yard.
  1. Q:  Does all debris contain asbestos?
    1. A:  No.  Debris contains many different types of materials, some of which may include asbestos.  Because all debris has the potential to contain asbestos, it is important that a trained professional remove all materials suspected to be from the fire.
  1. Q:  What are the health effects of the fire and the smoke from last week?
    1. A:  Persons with heart or lung disease and older adults are more sensitive to smoke exposure. Symptoms that may be related to breathing smoke include repeated coughing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest tightness or pain, palpitations, nausea, or lightheadedness. If you experience these symptoms, you should contact your healthcare provider.  You may also contact Indiana Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
  1.   Q:  Should we be wearing cloth, surgical, or N95 masks in the area?
    1. A:  Cloth and surgical masks do filter out the larger particulate matter, however finer particles would require an N95-type mask.  When initially cleaning your home after returning, the Wayne County Health Department is recommending wearing N95-type masks.  If you would feel more comfortable wearing a mask in the area until the lingering odors dissipate and would like a supply, please visit the Wayne County Health Department, located at 100 S 5th Street in Richmond. You may also call 765-973-9245.
  1.   Q:  What has been found in the air monitoring so far?
    1. A:  U.S. EPA and its contractors are responsible for the air monitoring in and around the Richmond area, including Preble & Darke Counties in Ohio. Air monitoring samples showed particulate matter in the smoke, as expected during a fire. U.S. EPA is utilizing its website to communicate air monitoring results to the public, available at Testing continues throughout various parts of the city and surrounding communities.
  1.   Q:  What about the river? Can people safety come into contact with the river water downstream?
    1. A:  The Sanitary District and IDEM have collected water samples from the river and its tributaries. While some tests for indicators of immediate threat to wildlife, such as ammonia, dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and chemical oxygen demand, have all come back within normal levels, we are still waiting for the results for tests on volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and metals.  We will know the results of these tests by April 17, 2023, and once interpreted by health officials, we will determine if it is safe to swim in the river.  We are conducting these tests for two reasons: first, firefighters' water efforts may have contaminated the river via stormwater drainage points, and second, we are unsure what may have come from the smoke plume.  We will continue to monitor the river and its tributaries even after the fire is out, as rain events and runoff could bring more materials to the river.
  1.   Q:  When can people go back to the river?
    1. A:  Health officials need to examine data on materials like organic matter and metals in the river to assess health risks.  If the risks are found to be low, people will be allowed to go back to the river.  There is no exact date yet for when this will happen.
  1.   Q:  Is there still harmful runoff from the site of the fire?
    1. A:  Steps have been taken to reduce runoff from the site.  After the fire investigation is finished, experts will work to prevent any further runoff.  They tested water that had collected at the site to see if it was dangerous.  These tests will show how to deal with the water until all work is done to fix the site.  Experts will also use these results to figure out how to isolate future runoff.
  1.   Q:  Is there plastic in the river?
    1. A:  Yes, there is some plastic in the river.  It was found near the outfall from storm drains near the fire and from plume fallout.  IDEM and the Sanitary District quickly took measures to prevent more plastic from coming through the outfall.  They also cleaned the streets, screened the drains at the fire site, and are currently collecting plastic in and around the river.  There may still be more plastic washed from surrounding areas during future rains until all cleanup efforts are complete.  The Sanitary District will continue to collect any plastic they find.
  1.   Q:  How often is the Whitewater River monitored, and have there been any reports of wildlife kills?
    1. A:  The Whitewater River is inspected, and water quality monitored by Richmond Sanitary District on a daily basis within the city limits and several miles south of the outfall.  To date, there have been no reports of fish kills or disturbances to wildlife found during these inspections.
  1.   Q:  Who is in charge of the incident?
    1. A: The Richmond Fire Department is acting as the lead agency, with assistance from multiple agencies and organizations within the County. Several State and Federal partners continue to assist, as well, including the Indiana Fire Marshal’s Office, Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (a part of the Center for Disease Control, or CDC).
  1.   Q:  How will I know about updates on the fire investigation?
    1. A:  Along with media outlets, the Wayne County Emergency Management Agency along with the City of Richmond will continue to keep their social media pages updated.
For EMA-
For City of Richmond-  The City of Richmond has an information page on their website:  Wayne County EMA also utilizes Everbridge Nixle alerts which are also used to push out information.  You may subscribe to receive these alerts by texting your zip code to “888-777” or online at
  1.   Q:  How long will the investigation take?  When will we know definitive answers?
    1. A:  The investigation surrounding this fire will take several weeks/months, as it is difficult to process.  Several agencies will continue to be involved and it is important for those agencies to take their time to ensure an objective investigation.
  1.   Q:  How can I help?  Do First Responders need any supplies?
    1. A:  At this time, donated supplies are not needed as there has already been an outpouring of very much appreciated support.  If you would like to make a monetary donation or donations of other kinds, please direct those to the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office and reference the “Fire Disaster Relief” fund, located at 401 E Main Street in Richmond. For additional details about what may be donated, call 765-973-9392 to inquire.
  1.   Q:  Do schools, businesses, or doctor’s offices remain closed?
    1. A:  School officials continue to be apprised of the situation and are making individual decisions on whether they will operate under normal or altered schedules.  If you are concerned about business or a doctor’s offices hours, please call ahead to the location to ensure they are open.
  1.   Q:  What if I have additional questions or concerns?  Who can I call?
    1. A:  The 24-hour Community Help Line is available, and will remain available, for anyone that has additional questions or concerns.  Please call 765-973-9300 to speak with someone.
  1.   Q:  Are there additional resources available for information to the public or media?
    1. A:  City of Richmond Website
  1. US EPA Public Information Officer
Rachel Linduska
  1. Indiana Department of Homeland Security
Indiana Fire Marshal’s Office

Wayne County Emergency Management Agency
401 E Main St
Richmond, IN 47374

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 765-973-9399

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358 NW F St
Richmond, IN 47374

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