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Culver City Police Department
Monday July 3rd, 2023 :: 03:52 p.m. PDT


Fireworks Reminder

Reminder: The Culver City Police and Fire Departments would like to remind residents and visitors that the sale and possession of all fireworks is illegal in Culver City, that includes the “safe and sane” fireworks. All violators may be subject to fines and arrest if caught displaying or in possession of fireworks. It is important that the public recognize the potential dangers in the use and handling of fireworks. The risk of injury, especially to children and young adults, is of great concern to the Police and Fire Departments.

So let’s have a fun and safe Fourth of July by obeying all laws related to fireworks and celebrate this special holiday by being responsible.

If you have any questions about fireworks safety, please contact the Culver City Police Department at (310) 253-6208.

Culver City Police Department
4040 Duquesne Ave
Culver City, CA 90232

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-837-1221

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