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LASD - Compton Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Thursday July 6th, 2023 :: 05:03 p.m. PDT


#LASD Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation Planned for Friday, July 7, 2023 #Compton

Compton, Calif. –The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will conduct a traffic safety operation on Friday, July 7, 2023, focused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of people biking or walking at risk.
These violations include speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield or provide right of way to bicyclists or pedestrians, or failing to stop for signs and signals.
“We all have places to be and not everyone gets there by car,” Sergeant Michael Lennig said. “Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same rights to the road but face even more risk without the protection vehicles have. We should all be looking out for one another.” 
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department offers steps drivers and pedestrians can take to greatly reduce the risk of getting injured or in a crash:

  • Be predictable. Use crosswalks, when available.  
  • Take notice of approaching vehicles and practice due care.  
  • Do not walk or run into the path of a vehicle. At 30 mph, a driver needs at least 90 feet to stop. 
  • Be visible. Make it easy for drivers to see you – wear light colors, reflective material and carry a flashlight, particularly at dawn, dusk or at night. 
  • Be extra careful crossing streets or entering crosswalks at night when it is harder to see, or when crossing busier streets with more lanes and higher speed limits. 
  • Follow the speed limit and slow down at intersections. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked crosswalks. 
  • Avoid blocking crosswalks while waiting to make a right-hand turn. 
  • Never drive impaired.
  • Obey traffic laws, use hand signals, use lights at night (front white light and rear red reflector), and wear a helmet. 
  • Bicyclists must travel in the same direction of traffic and have the same requirements as any slow-moving vehicle. 
  • Avoid the door zone: do not ride too closely to parked cars. 
  • If there’s a bike lane, use it, unless making a left turn, passing, or approaching a place where a right turn is allowed. 
  • Yield to pedestrians. Bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within marked crosswalks or within unmarked crosswalks at intersections.  
Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
MEDIA NOTES: To schedule an interview regarding the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Traffic Safety Operations, please contact Sergeant Michael Lennig at 323-890-5480 or via email at MJLennig@LASD.Org.
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Sheriff’s Information Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department 
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Los Angeles, CA 90012


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Robert G. Luna, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

LASD - Compton Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
301 S Willowbrook Ave
Compton, CA 90220

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-605-6500

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