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City of Rosemead
Thursday July 20th, 2023 :: 09:04 a.m. -08


Update: Traffic Lights are Operational

Please be advised the traffic lights at the below interactions are operational.  


The traffic lights at the below intersections are blacked out and nonoperational.  Please use caution and obey all traffic laws.
Valley Blvd                          and       Merwin C Gill Way
Valley Blvd                          and       Mission Drive
Valley Blvd                          and       Rio Hondo Avenue
Temple City Blvd                 and       Loftus Drive
Temple City Blvd                 and       Marshall Street
Mission Dr                           and      Encinta Ave
Mission Dr                           and      Walnut Grove Ave


City of Rosemead
8838 Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-569-2168

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