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City of Rosemead
Monday September 11th, 2023 :: 07:00 a.m. -08


Public Input is Now Open for the City of Rosemead Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

The City has prepared a draft update to its 2018 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The Mitigation Plan satisfies a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirement to write and maintain a plan that identifies hazards and action items to reduce or eliminate threats associated with those hazards.  With an approved Hazard Mitigation Plan by FEMA, the City of Rosemead will be eligible for State and Federal disaster relief funds in the event of a declared disaster in Rosemead.

The planning process utilized by the City assures access and input from the public at large as well as external agencies providing services to the city.  The Second Draft Plan is available for the public to review on the City's website under "News and Announcement" and is available from September 7, 2023 through September 21, 2023 for public review.  Please address your questions or comments relating to the Second Draft Plan to Mandy Wong, Public Safety Supervisor at [email protected] or at (626) 569-2168.

City of Rosemead
8838 Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-569-2168

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