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City of Richland Hills Alerts
Wednesday September 20th, 2023 :: 02:23 p.m. CDT


Special Storm Debris Pickup Update

Storm Debris Pickup is nearing completion on the south side of Baker Boulevard. Residences that have not yet had their storm debris picked up have been documented by Code Compliance. Once pickup on the south side of Baker Boulevard is complete, Republic Services will move on to the north side. 

If your storm debris was placed curbside by 7 am on Monday, September 18, it will be picked up by Republic Services. Please note this process can take several days to complete. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Code Compliance at 817-616-3830 or

City of Richland Hills Alerts
6700 Baker Blvd.
Richland Hills, TX 76118

Emergency: 9-1-1

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