AVOID closed streets below from 9:00AM-4PM today due to roadwork. 
Mayor Albio Sires and the Board of Commissioners want to inform you of PSEG, Veolia Water and Verizon work being performed today.
El alcalde Albio Sires y la Junta de Comisionados quieren informarles los trabajos del PSEG, Veolia y Verizon que se están realizando el día de hoy.
Current road closures from 9AM-4PM:
Cierres de carreteras actuales de 9AM A 4PM:
-51st Street and Bergenline
-61st Street and Madison
-300 57th Street
-62nd Street and Polk
-508 51st Street
Thank you for your patience and understanding as PSEG performs these projects to better improve their service.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión mientras PSEG realiza estos proyectos para mejorar su servicio.
#WeAreWNY #SomosWNY #WNY #WNYNJ #Roadwork #PSEG
Town of West New York
428 60th St
West New York, NJ 07093
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 201-295-5000