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City of Asbury Park NJ
Monday November 6th, 2023 :: 02:05 p.m. EST


Expected Road Closure 11/7 (Eighth Ave between Deal Lake Dr and Kingsley St)

Eighth Avenue between Deal Lake Drive and Kingsley Street will be closed to vehicular traffic and parking on Tuesday, 11/7 due to preliminary paving operations.

Parking will be prohibited from 7:30am to 5:30pm. All closures are subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances. Please follow detour signs and use caution.
Full roadway reconstruction (including sanitary sewer and storm sewer replacement, curbs and sidewalks) will begin in approximately two weeks.

City of Asbury Park NJ
1 Municipal Plz
Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-775-2100

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