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Fremont Police Department (CA)
Monday November 6th, 2023 :: 01:13 p.m. PST


**CANCEL** Missing Person at Risk: Tracie Hinojosa, 17 years old, Asian Female Juvenile, 5'1"/ 105lbs, blk hair / brown eyes.

Missing Person at Risk: Tracie Hinojosa, 17 years old, Asian Female Juvenile, 5'1"/ 105lbs, black hair / brown eyes. Last seen Nov 6, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. near the Brookvale area. Last seen wearing a white hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans, and red and white shoes. If you have any information concerning her whereabouts please contact FPD Dispatch at (510) 790-6800, option 3. In an emergency, please dial 911. Thank you. 

Fremont Police Department (CA)
2000 Stevenson Blvd
Fremont, CA 94538

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-790-6800

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