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City of Oneonta
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 :: 03:00 p.m. EST


**Update**Market St Gas Main Street Tie In - 11/8/23

This is an update to the ongoing Market St. Gas Main Replacement Project.  

Beginning Wednesday,  November 8th, at approximately 7:00 am, the contractor will be closing Market St. to east bound traffic between Main St. and Chestnut St. Ext.  A detour will be in place directing Main St. south bound traffic to Neahwa Park, through the park and exiting on James Georgeson Drive back to Market St. and Main St. north bound traffic to Chestnut St. Ext. and then back to Market St.  Local traffic going to the new parking lot at 27 Market St. and Clinton Plaza will be accommodated.  This detour will continue between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm Thursday and Friday also.
See detour map is attached to this notice for further description of the detour routes.
Please avoid this area if at all possible.  A message board will be placed at the entrance to Neahwa Park.  Flaggers and other temporary signage and barricades will be in place. Please exercise extreme caution and obey all signs and barriers.

The City will issue periodic project updates or changes via Nixle PSA as needed.

For questions or concerns related to this project, please contact the Department of Public Works by emailing [email protected], or calling 432-2100.


City of Oneonta
258 Main St
Oneonta, NY 13820

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 607-432-6450

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