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Borough of Washington, NJ
Friday November 17th, 2023 :: 01:18 p.m. EST


Library Closed

Due to ongoing issues with the heating system, the library will remain closed through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.   We are hopeful we can reopen on Monday, November 27th.  Due dates will be adjusted, and no fines will be accrued during this prolonged closure.


We would like to offer curbside pick-up for those patrons who would like to check out books before the holiday weekend.   You may request books by emailing the library at, requesting books online through the website at, or leaving a message on the answering machine at 908-689-0201.


You may pick up books on Monday, November 20 from 4-6 p.m. and Tuesday, November 21 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.  You may also call during these hours to renew items.   Please ring the bell at the entrance and one of our staff members assist you.


We apologize for the inconvenience and please know we are anxiously awaiting a return to normal operations.

Borough of Washington, NJ
100 Belvidere Ave
Washington, NJ 07882

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 908-689-3600

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