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McDowell County Emergency Management
Friday December 1st, 2023 :: 08:36 a.m. EST


The U.S. Forest Service, N.C. Forest Service and local Firefighters continue to work on two fires in McDowell County.

The U.S. Forest Service and the N.C Forest Service in partnership with multiple local Fire Departments continue to work two different wildfire scenes in McDowell County this morning. The Locust Cove #2 fire and the Clear Creek fire. The operation is currently being supported by McDowell County Emergency Management, McDowell County EMS, N.C. DOT, and McDowell County Rescue Squad. The smoke from these fires is very visible from several locations in the county.

Motorists traveling in this area should use caution and be alert for drift smoke as well as emergency vehicles and personnel working in these areas.

McDowell County Emergency Management
129 Barnes Rd
Marion, NC 28752

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 828-652-3241

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