Holiday in the Grove is happening this weekend. Tonight you are invited to the Tree Lighting Ceremony starting at 6PM.
Holiday in the Grove is happening this weekend. Tonight you are invited to the Tree Lighting Ceremony starting at 6PM. 
Holiday in the Grove is happening this weekend. Tonight you are invited to the Tree Lighting Ceremony starting at 6PM. at Cross Street and Sugar Lane. Following the lighting, you are invited to par-take in Hot Chocolate and Cookies in the Community Building.
Saturday, December 2nd is the Pancake Breakfast at the Community Building, 8 to 11am
Village of Sugar Grove
10 Municipal Dr
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 630-391-7200
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP SUGARGROVE followed by your message, to 888777