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The Borough of Waldwick, NJ
Thursday December 7th, 2023 :: 03:50 p.m. EST


A Hanukkah Message from Mayor Tom Giordano

Dear Neighbors & Friends: 
As we come together to count our blessings and renew our faith this Hanukkah, let us remember the importance of faith that guides us through tough times. It is this faith and our traditions that guide us to look upon each other with love.  
Hanukkah is an opportunity to reflect on the triumph of liberty over tyranny, the rejection of persecution and on the many miracles that can happen even in our darkest moments.
This past year especially, the challenges that we have faced are immense, but our ability to have faith, feel hope, look to the future, and seek healing remain strong.
During the festival’s eight days, let us all be inspired by the light that can overcome darkness. Let us all find that light inside us, which can radiate for a long distance and change lives.
May this time of year always remind us that nothing is brighter than the light we find within ourselves, and nothing is stronger than the hope we give to each other in time of need.
We pray that the Almighty will shine his everlasting love and light upon us, bring strength, peace, and blessings to our world. 
From your Councilmembers and myself, may the lights of Hanukkah brighten your homes and touch your hearts. May this holiday season be a time of continuous health, hope, happiness, love, unity, and peace for all.
May you have a blessed and memorable Hanukkah with your loved ones. May this bright occasion fill your life with the colors of happiness and success.  
Happy Hanukkah!
Mayor Tom Giordano

The Borough of Waldwick, NJ
15 E Prospect St
Waldwick, NJ 07463

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