The End of Lakeport PD's Use of NIXLE is Approaching FAST!!
LAKEPORT PD is changing the way we communicate EMERGENCY ALERTS, ADVISORY INFORMATION and COMMUNITY MESSAGES. and the END is fast approaching!! We are moving from NIXLE to its parent company everbridgeTM with enhanced features and controls that we will both like. YOU get to prioritize your contact methods (text, email, wireless, landline, etc.) and control what we know about you. WE get to send you BETTER MESSAGES faster, much faster, and the ability to focus messages on specific areas, so we only interrupt you when we need to, when you want us to!. Our change from NIXLE to everbridgeTM won’t leave our legacy NIXLE followers out completely. We will still be able to get you EMERGENCY ALERTS, but you will miss out on the Advisory and Community Information that you may want. SO, register for our new everbridgeTM service! We won’t sell your information!! NIXLE users have been trusting us with it for years…
Go to https:\\ and REGISTER at the bottom of the web page; install the everbridgeTM App from your App Store and search on “Lakeport PD”; and/or scan the QR code below and register! If you have anymore questions, go to our FAQs page at
OR Drop-by, give us a call, or email Registration is a snap and we are here to help!
Lakeport Police Department
2025 S Main St
Lakeport, CA 95453
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-263-5491
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP LAKEPORT followed by your message, to 888777