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The Borough of Waldwick, NJ
Monday January 15th, 2024 :: 11:45 a.m. EST


Parking & Snow Removal Reminders

We are expecting snow tonight into tomorrow. Please note the following:

Parking When Streets are Snow Covered - It is prohibited to park on snow covered streets. The parking prohibition continues until the snow stops and the streets are plowed.

Removal of Snow and Ice from Vehicles - Snow and ice must be removed from all vehicles, including the roof and hood, before driving.

Clearing of Sidewalks - Shoveling of sidewalks is required for the full width and including the driveway apron.  Corner properties must provide access to public streets.  Shoveling must be done within twenty-four (24) hours after the snow or ice storm has stopped.  Throwing, casting, placing or depositing snow and ice in the street or on a neighboring property without permission is strictly prohibited.

Clearing Around Fire Hydrants - Property owners with a fire hydrant on their property must maintain a three-foot radius of the perimeter of a fire hydrant free of snow and ice so that there is no impediment to the use of the fire hydrant. The removal of snow and/or ice shall be completed within 24 hours after the snow has formed or fallen on or around any hydrant.

Violations for non-compliance with any of the above will be issued by the Police Department.  Each day that the owner or occupant of the premises is in violation and shall be considered a separate violation.

We would also like to remind you that all portable basketball hoops should be removed from the roadway and turned in towards your house to help DPW with their cleanup operations.
Thank you for your cooperation.

The Borough of Waldwick, NJ
15 E Prospect St
Waldwick, NJ 07463

Emergency: 9-1-1

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