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Borough of Hawthorne NJ
Tuesday January 30th, 2024 :: 02:03 p.m. EST


Bulky Garbage items for February Collections on YOUR Garbage Day

Garbage Bulky item collection days for February are as follows:
Thursday, 2/1 - Zone/Ward 2
Friday, 2/2 - Zone/ Ward 4
Tuesday, 2/6 - Zone/Ward 1
Wednesday, 2/7 - Zone / Ward 3

Please do not put out buiky items days or weeks before your collection. Each month you can put out at the curb up to 6 bulky items: mattresses, furniture, couches, sinks,etc).
Please call the DPW office at 973.427.5330 if you need additional information.

Thank you.

Borough of Hawthorne NJ
Hawthorne Municipal Complex
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 973-427-1168

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