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Newark Police Department CA
Wednesday February 7th, 2024 :: 04:18 p.m. PST


Press Conference Announcement


Newark, California (Wednesday, February 7, 2024) 

Newark Police Captain Jolie Macias and Hayward Police Chief Bryan Matthews, along with the Federal Bureau of Investigations will participate in a press conference regarding the 1972 sexual assault/murder of Nellie Hicks in Newark, CA and the 1979 sexual assault/murder of Theresa Pica in Hayward, CA. We invite media personnel to attend this indoor session.
WHEN: Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. PST
WHERE:                Hayward City Hall at 777 B St., Hayward, CA 94541

RSVP and any inquiries regarding logistics should be directed to Hayward Police Department Public Information Officer Cassondra Fovel at 510-293-7064 or

Newark Police Department CA
37077 Newark Blvd
Newark, CA 94560

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-578-4237

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