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Mahwah Township
Friday May 31st, 2024 :: 01:49 p.m. EDT


DPW Summer hours start June 3rd. Please make sure your garbage and Recycling is out the night before or before 6am

Department of Public Works will starting our summer hours on June 3rd. 
Our hours will be 6am until 2:30pm. Please make sure your garbage and Recycling is out the night before or before 6am on your pickup day. 
These hours also include the Recycle center that will be closing at 2:30pm Monday thru Friday. Saturday will remain the same. 

Mahwah Township
475 Corporate Dr
Mahwah, NJ 07430

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 201-529-1000

Glen Dowson
Public Works

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