Police activity in area of Brookfield Drive. Residents advised to stay in homes.
Police activity in area of Brookfield Drive. Residents advised to stay in homes. ![](/static/Citizen-24_02_1/img/public/msg_expiration.png)
Due to significant police presence in the area of Brookfield Drive all residents on this road and on Kettle Run Road are advised to remain indoors until further notice.
Due to significant police presence in the area of Brookfield Drive all residents on this road and on Kettle Run Road are advised to remain indoors until further notice.
Evesham Police
984 Tuckerton Rd
Marlton, NJ 08053
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 856-983-1111
Alert Details
- Severity:
- Moderate - Possible threat to life or property
- Urgency:
- Expected - Responsive action SHOULD be taken soon (within next hour)
- Certainty:
- Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
- Category:
- Law enforcement, military, homeland and local/private security
- Event:
- Police Activity