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Tustin, CA Police Department
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 :: 11:11 a.m. PDT


Tustin Police Citizens Academy Fall 2024--now accepting applications!

Tustin Police Department Citizens Academy—now accepting applications!

The Fall 2024 academy class officially begins Tuesday, July 30th. For 11 weeks, class will meet once a week at 6:30 for approximately three hours.

During the academy, students will participate in various lectures and demonstrations.  Students will be introduced to various units throughout the department such as Criminal Investigations, Dispatch/Communications, K9, and Crime Scene Investigation, to name a few.

To become a student, you must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • At least 18 years old
  • No prior felony convictions
  • No serious misdemeanor arrests within one year of application
Blank applications can be picked up at the PD front counter or downloaded by visiting

Once complete, applications can be submitted either to our PD front counter or emailed to

Applications are accepted year-round and kept in consideration for future academies.

Tustin, CA Police Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 714-573-3200

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