**No Parking** Advisory Saturday, Sept 14th 9 AM-5 PM in Portions of Cloquet's West End Community for West End Flourish
The road closure and parking restrictions are to allow for the 4th Annual West End Flourish that will have vendors, food, and family-friendly fun. The event runs from 11 AM until 5 PM. Here is a link to the event
**No Parking** Advisory Saturday, Sept 14th 9 AM-5 PM in Portions of Cloquet's West End Community for West End Flourish 
For those that live in, and visit Cloquet's West End, please be aware of some parking restrictions and road closures this coming Saturday, September 14th from 9 AM-5 PM. The area should be fully signed this evening.
Here is an overview of the areas impacted:
- Avenue C will be closed from Broadway St. to Arch St.
- Avenue B will be closed from Broadway St. to Arch St.
- Vine St will be closed
- VFW Public Lot and Wentworth Public Lots will be closed
The road closure and parking restrictions are to allow for the 4th Annual West End Flourish that will have vendors, food, and family-friendly fun. The event runs from 11 AM until 5 PM. Here is a link to the event
Cloquet Police Department
101 14th St
Cloquet, MN 55720
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 218-879-1247
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP CLOQUETPD followed by your message, to 888777