Burn Ban Lifted for Wayne County 9/25/24 at 6:00 p.m. 
Burn Ban Lifted for Wayne County
For Immediate Release
The Ban on open burning will be allowed to expire for all Wayne County fire protection areas. The Wayne County Commissioner’s and local fire officials urge continued caution and follow state/local burning rules.
Effective today September 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., the Ban on open burning that has been in effect for all of Wayne County will expire. Wayne County issued the Ban on open burning on September 19th due to dry conditions that posed a significant risk for rapid fire spread. While recent rains have not diminished the dry conditions, they have helped to restore moisture to grass and other vegetation that has reduced the risk of uncontrollable fire spread. All fire officials express their appreciation to the citizens of Wayne County for your cooperation and assistance during the burn ban.
Since the dry conditions continue to impact the region, the Wayne County officials urge continued caution with all fires. If you must burn, follow state and local burning regulations (Indiana’s open burning regulations are summarized below). As the dry conditions continue, new burn bans may become necessary. The fire officials and other local officials will continue to monitor the situation and implement additional burn bans if hazardous conditions return.
Indiana’s complete rules for open burning can be found at https://www.in.gov/idem/openburning/#:~:text=Open%20Burning%20in%20Indiana&text=Pollution%20from%20open%20burning%20is,except%20for%20exempt%20burning%20activities.
Indiana rules generally prohibit open burning with certain exceptions and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) encourages alternatives to open burning. Open burning is the combustion of any matter in the open or in an open dump.
It is always against state law for citizens to burn trash such as household waste, plastic, batteries, rubber, disposable diapers and painted or stained wood. In general, businesses may not open burn anything. It is also always against state law to discard burning smoking materials from a moving vehicle.
The burning of leaves or other yard waste is never advised. The smoke from any fire, including clean wood, can linger at ground level where family members and neighbors can be affected. Only burn leaves or yard waste if you have no other alternatives. Remember that local ordinances also apply and need to be followed. Call your local fire department or department of health for information about local rules. Most Wayne County Communities do not permit burning within their corporate limits.
OPEN BURNING REQUIREMENTS: If you must burn, and it is permitted, use a well-vented container (a burn barrel is not well-vented) and only burn clean wood. A properly vented container keeps the fire under control while allowing oxygen to feed the flames and reduce excessive smoke. A screen on top is required to prevent ash, embers and other debris from drifting into the air and starting another fire. Burning is only permitted during daylight hours and must be extinguished by sunset. Never burn on windy days. The fire must be attended at all times while burning and have plenty of water on hand. Stop burning if someone complains. All fires must be completely extinguished.
Besides limited burning of yard waste, Indiana allows burning of clean wood products and charcoal for the following types of fires.
- Recreational or ceremonial fires: These include campfires and bonfires; however, the size of the fire is limited.
- Barbecues: Barbecues using charcoal are allowed. Avoid using lighter fluid. Instead, use an electric lighter, charcoal chimney or newspaper as a lighting aid.
- Maintenance burns: Some agricultural burning is allowed for maintenance on farms, orchards, nurseries, cemeteries and tree farms.
For more information, it is best to contact your local Fire Department.
Wayne County Emergency Management Agency
401 E Main St
Richmond, IN 47374
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 765-973-9399
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