Personal Safety Tips
Personal Safety Tips 
The San Marino Police Department would like to offer the community some personal safety tips when out on a walk or jog. Reduce your risk of becoming a victim of a crime by taking a few simple precautions:
Be Prepared
- Be alert and aware of those around you
- Be aware of your location and situations which could make you vulnerable to a crime (dark alleys or poorly lit parking lots)
- Try not to walk alone. Walk in pairs, if you can, and educate yourself concerning prevention tactics
- Remove distractions: Talking on the phone, wearing earbuds, and listening to music may prevent you from being aware of your surroundings
- Walk with confidence and look from side to side, making eye contact with people
- Pay attention to anyone acting suspiciously and call the police if you believe you are being followed
- If a crime occurs – Report it! If you see something, say something.
City of San Marino Police Department
2200 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-300-0720
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP SANMARINOPD followed by your message, to 888777