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Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools
Friday December 6th, 2024 :: 08:49 a.m. CST


Join Our Community - WRPS

WRPS has launched a Community news group to help keep our community connected to the operations, work and accomplishments of our schools.  

Everyone is invited to join our NEW group designed to open the lines of communication with all our community!  We will provide updates through a community newsletter, send notifications about school closures or alerts and provide other helpful information about our schools.  

The attached PNG files has information on how to join our community group hosted by ParentSquare or you can click the link below to sign up now! 

Sign Up Now!

Questions?  Please contact Maurine Hodgson at 715-424-6701 x0 or by email at

Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools
510 Peach St
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 715-422-6000

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