Message from the Mayor~ Drones
Message from the Mayor~ Drones 
Dear Mendham Borough Residents,
Last week we convened a last minute briefing on the drone situation that has been over our skies for over a month. Since that time I have attended a State briefing for Mayors at the State Police HQ in Ewing, and participated on a conference call for New Jersey Mayors arranged by the White House with speakers from various security agencies.
You are seeing on the news the same thing that they have told us. To clarify we have been told that we have nothing to worry about, yet they are not certain if these drones could be carrying payload. We have also been told that they are not federal or state government drones, but they believe they are hobbyist, commercial, and police drones.
Since we are all watching the skies and taking pictures, we decided to form the Skywatch Task Force and organize our own efforts. Our goal is to get a clear picture or video of what many in our town believe to be drones the size of a vehicle.
I have brought together a group of volunteer residents that each offer unique expertise in helping us with this goal.
Should we capture a picture of something that is more than a small drone, we will share this with the NJ State Police.
We have arranged to gather tomorrow night to do a Skywatch stakeout at Borough Park Field at 5:30pm. If you are able to assist and watch the sky from your home and believe you see a drone, it would be greatly appreciated if you would take a video or pictures.
We will be sending a link to a google form to help us with information so we can map out the drone activity but for now please send your pictures and videos to
We realize that some of these sightings could be that of planes or a star, which is why we will be assisted by some pilots who will help us determine what we capture.
We thank you in advance for your assistance
Christine Serrano Glassner
Borough of Mendham
2 W Main St
Mendham, NJ 07945
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 973-543-7152
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