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Town of West Springfield
Thursday December 19th, 2024 :: 03:27 p.m. EST



The City of West Springfield is accepting applications for forty (40) positions in the 2025 Senior/Veteran Tax Work-Off Program. Senior/Veteran Tax Work Off participants who perform work from March 1, 2025 through October 31, 2025 will receive a payment applied to the fiscal year 2026 property taxes (taxes billed on or after January 1, 2026). Basic requirements are that taxpayers must be a veteran or sixty (60) years of age or older and must be an assessed owner of property in West Springfield and must own and occupy this residence. Applicants cannot be an active employee for the Town. 

The rebate amount for this year will be $1,275. Compensation is calculated at the state minimum wage of $15 an hour. As a result, participants must work approximately 85 hours to receive the full payment. Per federal law, this payment is considered earned wages and is subject to federal income tax and Medicare withholdings. Participants in the program will receive a 2025 W-2 from the Town in January of 2026. Hours are flexible for many positions and often can be worked out on an individual basis between the department director and the senior/veteran worker, but must be completed by October 31, 2025. 

Some of the positions being offered are: Lawn/Grounds Maintenance, Veteran Grave Maintenance and Park/Facility Attendants. There will also be some indoor clerical work available for some Town Hall departments. The full list of positions will be available with the application packet. 

The program is beneficial for both senior and veteran residents. Participants have an opportunity to lower their property tax bill, and taxpayers benefit from the superior talent and work experience participants bring to the job at a very low cost to the City. 

Applications and information packets will be available in the front lobby of the West Springfield Town Hall, 26 Central Street beginning Monday, January 6, 2025. Applications will be accepted from January 6 through January 31, 2025. Completed applications must be accompanied with a copy of the applicant’s driver’s license and a copy of their most recent property tax bill. Completed applications can be dropped off on the third floor of Town Hall to the Human Resources Department or mailed to Human Resources, 26 Central St, Ste. 6, West Springfield, MA 01089. 

A mandatory orientation will be held for those who are chosen for the program (date to be determined). 


Contact: Kelley Beckwith (413) 263-3232


Town of West Springfield
26 Central St
West Springfield, MA 01089

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