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Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
Sunday December 22nd, 2024 :: 08:32 p.m. EST


Active manhunt for Arthur James Jordan, Avoid Upper Riverdale Rd @ Garden Walk. SHERIFF LEVON ALLEN

An active manhunt is underway in the area of Upper Riverdale Rd & Garden Walk, Clayton County, GA.


The subject of interest is:

Arthur James Jordan

Date of Birth: 03/25/1983

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 185 lbs

Eye Color: Brown



Please avoid this area for your safety and allow law enforcement to proceed with their operations.


If you see Arthur James Jordan, do not approach him.

Call 911 immediately to report his location.


Stay alert and stay safe.


Jamal Webb

Public Information Officer for 


Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
9157 Tara Blvd
Jonesboro, GA 30236

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-477-4479

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