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Manchester NJ Department of Public Safety
Monday December 23rd, 2024 :: 02:52 p.m. EST


Power Outage in Whiting

Whiting residents: 

JCP&L crews are continuing to work to reatore power to your area as quickly as possible. 

There are two warming stations in Whiting:

1: Whiting Fire House (Cherry Street / Rte 530)
2: Manchester Emergency Services Annex (Old Whiting First Aid Squad) 

There is no estinated time of restoration.

Please only call 911 for life threatening emergencies and use 732.657.6111 for routine or non-emergent calls for service by police pr ems such as a routine transport or a police report.




Please only use 911 for life threatening situations otherwise dial 732.657.6111.

Manchester NJ Department of Public Safety
1 Colonial Dr
Manchester Township, NJ 08759

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-657-6111

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Alert Details

Minor - Minimal to no known threat to life or property
Unknown - Urgency not known
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
Utility, telecommunication, other non-transport infrastructure
Power Outage

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