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Manchester NJ Department of Public Safety
Monday December 23rd, 2024 :: 07:55 p.m. EST


Update: Power Outage in Whiting

waiting residence without power:
Whiting residents:

Please be advised that the warming stations have moved to a shelter at the Manchester Township High School.  The high school is located at 101 Hawks Way. Pets are welcome. If you need transportation to the shelter, please call 732-657-6111. Do not call 911 unless you are experiencing a life and death police, fire, or medical emergency.
 JCPNL crews are continuing to work on the problem as they hope to restore power as quickly as possible. 


call 732.657.6111 for transportation to the shelter, only 911 for life and death emergencies.

Manchester NJ Department of Public Safety
1 Colonial Dr
Manchester Township, NJ 08759

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-657-6111

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Alert Details

Minor - Minimal to no known threat to life or property
Expected - Responsive action SHOULD be taken soon (within next hour)
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
Utility, telecommunication, other non-transport infrastructure
Power Outage

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